Atmos Brand Electronic Portable Hookah stick at Pars Market in Howard county Columbia Maryland 21045



Portable Hookah

  • The Atmos E-Hookah holds up to 600 puffs providing reasonably extended vape- sessions.


  • Each E-Hookah is prefilled with rich flavor for great vapor, taste and aroma.

  • The Atmos E hookah is easy and ready to use requiring no assembly or no charging prior to usage.

The Atmos E-Hookah holds up to 600 puffs providing reasonably extended vape- sessions.      Each E-Hookah is prefilled with rich flavor for great vapor, taste and aroma.
Atmos Electronic Hookah at Pars Market

Atmos Flavors

  • Tropic Mango-A Tastefulness flavor of Mango.

  • Screaming Apple- A fresh sweet red apple with an enjoyable Taste.

  • Ice Lemonade- A Cool, sweet and refreshingly lemonade.

  • Watermelon Blast- A fresh,sweet and juicy watermelon that you can enjoy.

  • Strawberry Rush- A blast of Sweet Strawberries with an exciting taste.

Available @Pars Market LLC.

9400 Snowden River PKWY

Columbia,Maryland 21045


Come Shop Today!!!

Low Prices!!!

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Things you should know about Hookah and Shisha at Pars Market in Columbia Maryland

Things to know about Hookah!


  • The Larger the Hookah base, the more thicker smoke you can blow out.
  • The size and thickness of your hose is will easier to pull through and provide a thicker smoke.
  • Don’t pack the tobacco in the bowl too tight.
  • Always use foil.
  • Water level makes a big difference.
  • Never get water into your hose while smoking.
  • Use quality coals.
  • If using more than 1 coal always blow into the hookah and open the other end just a little bit.
  • If smoke with 4 hoses always use a larger bowl, it will work a lot better.


Hookah Shirt at Pars Market Howard County Columbia Maryland 21045
Hookah Shirt at Pars Market

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Pars Market Hookah Shop Shisha Store in Howard County Columbia Maryland 21045

Here We are going to answer you this question!  


Besides water, What else can you put in yourShisha/Hookah Vase?


  • Putting other fruit juices into the vase makes a better taste.
  • Tablespoon of baking soda in the vase with ice water will make it smoother.
  • Add juice to the water in your glass vase for a fruitier flavor.
  • To add a minty flavor without mint tobacco just put a little Listerine or metro mint water into the vase for a nice mint flavor.
  • Milk in the base makes the smoke thicker and smoother.
  • To enhance the taste of the smoke, try mixing lemon juice or cranberry juice into the water in your glass vase.

  Come Check us out at Pars Market for the best Selection of Hookah and Shishas in the market, We will gladly answer any questions you may have regarding Hookah and Shisha!


A Beautiful Hookah Base at Pars Market in Howard County Columbia Maryland 21045
A Beautiful Hookah Base at Pars Market


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Are you Looking to Find a Hookah Shisha Shop selling best quality products in Maryland visit Pars Market and buy yours from us

Hookah Tricks And Tips

1.Change the water in the vase every smoking session. The water is the filter for the smoke.

2.Use cold water to fill the vase and add ice cubes to the water.

3.Don’t place charcoal right on the shisha bowl, use aluminum foil or a metal charcoal screen so it can save the tobacco burning time.

4.Make sure you place the foil tightly over the hookah bowl.

5.Add Juice to the water for a fruiter flavor.

6.Clean your Hookah frequently with cleaning brush and cold water.

7.Mix different flavors together for a unique flavor.

8.If smoke gets too ashy or harsh, remove the charcoal and remove the bowl. Then,  blow into the back of the bowl. Tons of smoke should come out. Put the bowl back and either put the same charcoal on it or put a new one.

9.When you start smoking, you can either place the charcoal in the center or on the outside of the bowl depending on your bowl side. Large bowls, you can place the charcoal in the middle. Smaller bowls, place the charcoal on the outside corners of the bowl.

10.Use tongs or tweezers for your charcoals, so you wont burn yourself.


 Shisha, Hookah, Nargila, Hubby Bubbly are a few names of ancient water pipes. Shisha pipes have been used for centuries in the Middle East to smoke the away the stresses of the day, relaxing in the conversation and company of family and friends. If you are in Market to look for a nice and high quality Hookah Come down to Pars Market we will show you and talk up everything about Hookahs you would want to know and to answer all your question! Looking forward seeing you soon!


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Keywords: hookah, shisha, bowls, charcoal, pipes, Herbal Spices, Detox,

Your Guide to purchase Charcoal, Shisha and Preparing Hookah and many more information

Hookah Guide

At Pars Market, we have a big selection of New Hookah/Shisha products including (ALL New) AL-FAKHER Tobacco Flavor’s, STARBUZZ TABACCO Flavor’s, HOOKAH VAPES / STARBUZZ Electronic Cigarettes, etc.We’re here to help and advise the benefits and knowledge you need to know about Hookah. Please contact us so we can share the exciting experience with you. Please leave any Recommendations and comments.

Come Visit Us at our location in Howard County, Columbia, Maryland.

Ask for Armin or Nader For Hookah Knowledge!

Hookah Persia, A Persian Hookah with Farsi Writting on the Base

I’m new to Hookah Smoking, how to get started?

It is actually very simple but you need the knowledge to have a healthy way of smoking Hookah. If you’re new to hookah/shisha, you may want to purchase a small or medium Hookah to get the knowledge first, before purchasing a larger Hookah. Contact us  today to get started! Come Visit!

What size hookah should I consider?

Any size is suitable for smoking. The taller the pipe the longer the smoke has time to cool and mix with air, but you’ll get a good smoke from any size pipe.  Group setting smoking, a larger with multi hoses is recommended because everyone can have their own hose. Medium and Smaller Hookahs are recommended for personal use(easy to travel to).

High Quality Egyptian Hookah at Pars Market

How often should I clean my hookah?

For best results the pipe should be cleaned each smoking session. If you use several bowls of tobacco in one time setting, you should put new water in the vase . You can Clean the pipe of a hookah with a cleaning brush or medal hanger.

For more help on cleaning your pipe, contact us or Visit Us! We love to help you in having the most enjoyable hookah experience.

How long does the flavor’s last?

All Flavor’s can be stored for up to 2 years. There Should always be a date on the Flavor’s.

How long will one hookah bowl of shisha last?

All Hookah bowls can last from 20 mins to 1.5 Hours!It all depends on how you pack it and the size of the bowl.

How long will one charcoal last?

Each charcoal lasts approximately half hour.Also, We have many types of charcoal to choose from. Call us today to find the best one that fits your needs!

How many bowls in each pack of shisha?

Usually the Flavor’s come in 250g a pack, there are approximately fifteen to thirty bowls depending on the size of the bowl you use

Exotic Melon Blue Starbuzz at Pars Market

 How to prepare the Hookah?

Preparation. You have now purchased your Hookah and are eager to try it out. Please wash the Hookah thoroughly before using it for the first time. Always wash your hookah thoroughly, to get rid of the old tobacco smell and dirt and never re-use the old water in the vase. Fill the vase with water such that the stem of the hookah is submerged approximately one inch in the water. Some people also put the glass vase in the freezer to cool down for a short time (10 to 15 minutes). Fit the middle section onto the vase. Some hookahs come with a plastic seal that goes in between the vase and the metal argile to keep it from losing smoke or drawing in unwanted air.

12 Inch height Small Size Hookah

Attachment. Place the tray on the argile. The tray is used to place your extra coals on, catch any spillage and as a place to store the hookah tong. Now its time to attach the hose to the Hookah Some hookahs have more than one hose. If you own one of those, either attach them all, or seal the ones that you are not using with a plastic seal (it’s usually supplied with the Hookah). When you are not smoking, always keep your fingers at the end of the hose. This keeps the hose air-tight and allows for better smoke for those who are smoking. Most of the hoses have a plastic part that goes between hookah’s argile and the hose itself. Make sure that this is firmly in place, to keep the end of the hose air tight

Packing the shisha. This is a very important step. When you put the tobacco in the bowl don’t just push it in there. Sprinkle the tobacco in small amounts, to allow air between the tobacco pieces so that the heat from the coal can travel freely through the tobacco. This also allows the tobacco to burn more evenly. Another option is to sprinkle the tobacco in the bowl and then make a small hole in the middle. Place the aluminum foil on top of the bowl. Cut the aluminum foil into squares about 2 inches larger than the bowls diameter. For health reasons the shiny part of the aluminum foil must be face down.

Making holes in the foil. Make holes in the aluminum foil. Use an object with a sharp tip such as pin or toothpick. Start with a small hole in the center and make circles of holes around it. If you want larger amount of smoke in the beginning, you can put one or two deep, larger holes toward the sides of the bowl such that the hole goes through the tobacco. This will let oxygen travel through the tobacco better and help it burn more. The holes are made to let oxygen into the bowl in order to allow the tobacco to burn. So if you put too many holes, the tobacco will burn faster and you might get a burned smell. If you have too few holes, the tobacco won’t burn as well. Lighting the coals and smoking the hookah. Now we can light the coals and put them on the hookah head. Light the coal and place it on the aluminum foil. It is usually best to place the coal slightly to one side of the bowl, and when this coal is burned, place the new coal on the opposite side. And finally we are ready to Smoke the Hookah. In the beginning the hookah may need a little time to start smoking, so be patient.

My hookah doesn’t seem to be smoking right. What do I do?

1. Check your bowl. The most common mistake is packing the shisha too tightly. Make sure that you break the shisha apart and lightly sprinkle it into the bowl to the top. Don’t fill it past the top because you’ll be packing the shisha when you cover it with a metal screen or foil.

All Variety of Small, Medium and Vortex and many more bowels at Pars Market

2. Check your charcoal.If the charcoal is covered with ash, there may not be enough heat getting to the shisha. Use your tongs to tap the charcoal ash off into your hookah tray and place the red charcoal back on your head.

Three Kings Quick Light Charcoal Large Size

3. Check your gaskets.Make sure that all of the components of the hookah are fitting nicely together. A snug fit will make the smoke flow more efficiently. You may check for a burnt gasket. Some hookahs expose the gasket and are easily burnt by charcoal that is moved around in the tray.

4. Check your hoses.If you have multiple hoses, make sure that all ends are plugged properly. For example, if you have two or three hoses on your hookah and there is only one person smoking, you’ll need to remove the hoses and use rubber stoppers or tape to block the hose holes. For full instructions please contact us.

A Wide Selection of Hookahs at Pars Market

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Differences between Traditional Hookah and Electronic Hookahs

In the next couple charts are comparisons between regular traditional Hookahs and E-Hookahs.These Charts will show the way its operated and the structures of both kinda of hookahs.Also, the charts show the advantages of having an E-Hookah. Enjoy the information provided! Shop at Pars Market, for great quality selection of hookahs and low prices.

Best selling electronic hookah E-hookah big vapor custom Hookah at Pars Market LLC Columbia Maryland 21045

Best selling electronic hookah E-hookah big vapor custom Hookah at Pars Market LLC Columbia Maryland 21045

Best selling electronic hookah E-hookah big vapor custom Hookah at Pars Market LLC Columbia Maryland 21045

Advantages of e-hookah

  • E-hookah has several change modes. Its lithium battery can be recycled, reducing use-cost.
  • E-hookah is portable and can be used in ban smoking public.
  • Integrated cartomizer can be changed whenever, offering different taste.
  • E-hookah can help quit smoking. It really is a good alternative to cigarettes
  • E-hookah can Vapor up to 800 Puffs.

Why do we choose e-hookah? 

  • Low use-cost.
  • Easy operation, portable, simple assembling, power directly from battery.
  • Safe, clean, environment friendly, no passive smoke.
  • More than 100 flavors, plenty choices.
  • No harmful substances, healthy and green.




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Hookah, Shisha, Charcoal, Bowls and many more other Frequently Asked Questions and more at Pars Market in Columbia

Hookah FAQ

Here are answers to frequently asked questions. If you don’t find it here, please be sure to Contact .

The hookahlooks very complicated, do they come with instructions?

Hookah is committed to providing expert support for Hookah smokers around the world. Each of our hookahs comes complete with detailed instructions.As well, we have a number of online resources including set-up instructions and the history of hookah .If you would like to consult a hookah expert, please Contact us either by Facebook or submit an Email to us.

Hookah and Name of the Parts in Hookah Drawn by Pars Market Columbia Maryland

What size hookah should I consider?

Shisha smoking has long been a social group activity and is something to consider when choosing your hookah. Any size hookah can be used by an individual smoker, but the size and weight of a large hookah, makes it more convenient for large groups or a hookah party. Large Hookahs (28 to 35 inches) are generally constructed with wider tubing rather than smaller hookahs to keep the hookah in proportion and  are better to support larger groups. Medium Hookahs (21 to 27 inches) can support groups of three to five people and are wonderful for solo smoking. Small Hookahs (20 inches and smaller) are best suited for solo smoking or groups of three or less. The compact size of small hookahs makes them easy to store or carry along. At Pars Market in Columbia,Maryland you can find all the supplies needed for your hookah and many more that would surprise you how much Hookah, Shisha selection we stock in our store!

Pars Market best Hookah shop and Selection in Maryland 21045

Most Unique Persian Handmade Wooden Hookah at Pars Market Columbia Maryland 

 How many hoses?

The number of hoses to have on your hookah comes down to a matter of personal choice. As long as the coal is kept hot and the water pipe is kept tight, there is no difference in the quality of smoking from a one-hose hookah or a four-hose hookah but one smokes at a time. All of our multi-hose hookahs come with complete with hose caps and rubber stem plugs so that extra hose connections that are not in use can be sealed off. 

Large Two Hose Hookah at Pars Market Shisha Store Hookah Shop in Columbia Maryland 21045Beautiful Small Hookah at Pars Market Columbia Maryland 21045 


How often should I clean my hookah?

The water in the glass vase should be emptied after every smoking session. Remember that the water in the glass vase acts as the filter for the smoke, so we recommend that you wash out the glass vase after every use. Clean the metal stem with the cleaning brush and very carefully funnel clear hot water through the hose on a regular basis. Never use soap to clean your hookah, as it may contaminate the taste of the smoke. Both the metal stem and the hookah hose should be completely dry before smoking with them again.

Small Bowl, Large Bwl and New Vortex Bowl sold at Pars Market LLc in Columbia Maryland 21045
Small Bowl, Large Bowl and New Vortex Bowl

The smoke is too harsh, what am I doing wrong?

This could be a number of reasons. You may have too much coal on your bowl and you may have burned your shisha. If you remove some of the coal and the smoke is still too harsh then you have indeed burned your shisha and will have to re-pack a new bowl. Also be sure to change the water in your hookah after each session to keep your smoke tasting fresh. 

Hookah Poster by the window at Pars Market LLC Columbia Maryland 21045

Al Fakher Shisha Tobacco next to Hookahs at Pars Market 

I’m not getting enough smoke, what am I doing wrong?

Most likely, the reason you are not getting enough smoke is because your hookah is not air tight or enough water. Double check the connections between the metal shaft / glass base, metal shaft / hose, and metal shaft / clay bowl. If you are still not getting enough smoke, it might be because you don’t have enough coal on your bowl or that your bowl is clogged with shisha. Make sure not to make the wholes too big on the aluminum foil on your bowl. Also, make sure you are not packing too much flavor. You don’t have to pack it too  tightly as this will affect the amount of smoke. Make sure water does not come threw the hose, just enough to make bubbles in the hookah.  Any problems, Please Contact us at Pars Market or bring it in.

Full line of all Accessory and replacement part for hookahs available at Pars Market Columbia Maryland 21045
Full line of all Accessory and replacement part for hookahs available at Pars Market

How long does the flavored shisha last?

Shisha is a special blend of fresh shisha leaves, fruit pulp, and molasses or honey. When kept fresh, the shisha can last for up to a year. To maintain freshness, this shisha needs to be stored in an airtight container and stored in a cool dry place such as a cabinet or a drawer.

How long will one hookah bowl of shisha last?

Each bowl lasts approximately half hour to an hour depending on the coal on your bowl and size.

Bowl with three heads sold and available at Pars Market LLC in Columbia Maryland 21045

Bowl with Cover on, Suitable for smoking inside outside or in the wind sold at Pars Market LLC Columbia Maryland 21045  

How long will one charcoal last?

Each charcoal lasts approximately half hour to an hour, if smoked the right way.

Cleopatra Egytian Natural Carbon Charcoal for Hookah at Pars Market LLC Columbia Maryland 21045

Cleopatra Egyptian Hookah open bag sold at Pars Market LLC Columbia Maryland 21045 

Egyptian Cleopatra Carbon Charcoal for Hookah at Pars Market Columbia Maryland



How many bowls in each pack of shisha?

We mostly carry Wide selection of Al Fakher and Starbuzz Shishas at Pars Market

 In a 50g pack there are approximately four to six bowls.

In a 250g pack there are approximately twenty to thirty bowls.


In a 500g Carton there are ten individual 50g packs, approximately forty to sixty bowls. 

Plenty of Bowls and Tobacco products as well as replacement parts for your Hookah at Pars Market. So put on your shoes and Come On IN!!!!!!!!!!

More View from the Al Fakher Flavors at Pars Market Columbia Maryland 21045

Wide Selection of Starbuzz Shisha Flavors at Pars Market Columbia Maryland 21045Wide Selection of Alfakher Shshia Flavors at Pars Market


Exotic Melon Blue Starbuzz Shisha Tobacco at Pars Market Columbia Maryland 21045

 Note: You must 18 years or older to order this product.

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Al Fakher Shisha Tobacco at Pars Market


A relatively young company based in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) known mostly for their hookah tobacco. Al Fakher is one of the largest shisha tobacco organizations in the world. The company strives to transform the Middle Eastern hookah or “shisha” tradition into a universal phenomenon by producing premium molasses in a wide range of flavors. Al Fakher also provides continuous support to the community through monetary and service related contributions. Al Fakher brand is definitely one of the most smoked brands on the market. Their flavors are not so fruity, classic, and favorite among many smokers in Middle East.

Al Fakher Logo at Pars Market in Columbia Maryland 21045 USA
Al Fakher Logo

From the Official Al Fakher Website: “Al-Fakher Corporation was established in 1999, as a limited liability private company and is currently owned by a major investment company operating in the Middle East. Al-Fakher strives to transform the Middle Eastren Hookah or “Shisha” tradition into a universal phenomenon by producing premium molasses in a wide range of flavors. Over the years Alfakher was successfully able to expand its markets so that today it has agents operating world wide.”

Al-Fakher Hookah Shisha Tobacco at Pars Market Columbia Maryland 21045
Al Fakher Shisha Selection at Pars Market

The Al Fakher tobacco comes in two line. There is the basic line known simply as Al Fakher (AF) and their Al Fakher Golden line which only has a few flavors and is a “premium” tobacco. The golden line includes eskandarani apple, bahraini apple, rose and grape. The two apple flavors are not found in the basic line while rose and grape are variations on existing flavors. They are also the producer of the popular black style moassel known as Soft Black. Soft Black is a strong and robust tobacco. 

 We sell only Genuine Al Fakher at Pars Market. We are constantly supplying our stock of Al Fakher,
More View from the Al Fakher Flavors


The smoke duration and thickness vary between the lines but it’s usually medium to thick smoke that can easily last an hour or more depending on the bowl you use.

Alfakher Hookah Shisha Tobacco at Pars Market LLC Howard County Columbia Maryland 21045 United States of America
Al Fakher Shisha Tobacco next to Hookahs


  • 50g Box: The tobacco comes in a laminated foil pouch inside a cardboard box wrapped in cellophane
  • 250g Plastic Tub: Using a laminated foil pouch similar to the 50g size but then packaged in a resealable plastic tub with a safety seal under the cap. The tubs have a small plastic handle. These are then packed in cardboard boxes.
  • 250g Plastic Box: The Golden line comes packed in a resealable, laminated foil pouch which is then placed in a plastic box with clear sides and a hinged top that is sealed down with an Al Fakher logo sticker. This whole thing is then placed in a cardboard box.
  • 500g Tub: Packed in a re-sealable laminated aluminum pouch. Packaged similarly to the 250g packs and 1 kilo tubs, the pouch is packed in a resealable plastic tub with a safety seal under the lid.
  • 1 Kilo Tub: Just a larger version of the 500g tub. The tobacco is in a laminated and resealable foil pouch in a plastic tub with a safety seal under the lid. The handle on these tubs is useful as these are quite large.
Wide Selection of Alfakher Shshia Tobacco at Pars Market Howard County Columbia Maryland 21045 USA
Wide Selection of Alfakher Shshia Flavors at Pars Market


  1. Apple
  2. Apricot
  3. Banana
  4. Berry
  5. Bubble Gum
  6. Caffe Latte
  7. Cappuccino
  8. Cardamom
  9. Cherry
  10. Chocolate
  11. Cinnamon
  12. Cocktail
  13. Coconut
  14. Cola
  15. Double Apple
  16. Energy Drink
  17. Golden Bahraini Apple
  18. Golden Black Grape
  19. Golden Grape
  20. Golden Eskandarani Apple
  21. Golden Rose
  22. Golden Strawberry
  23. Grape
  24. Grape & Mint
  25. Grenadine
  26. Guava
  27. Gum
  28. Honey
  29. Jasmine
  30. Kiwi
  31. Lemon
  32. Lemon & Mint
  33. Licorice
  34. Mango
  35. Melon
  36. Mint
  37. Orange
  38. Peach
  39. Pineapple
  40. Pipe
  41. Plum
  42. Rose
  43. Strawberry
  44. Soft Black
  45. Vanilla
  46. Watermelon
At Pars Market We are constantly supplying our stock of Al Fakher, so you are ensured freshness every time. Each box labeled with it's production date, so you are guarantied the most flavorful of hookah smoke.
Pars Market Business Card Sitting next to Apple and Apple&Mint Al Fakher Shishas

 We sell only Genuine Al Fakher at Pars Market. We are at Pars Market constantly supplying our stock of Al Fakher, so you are ensured freshness every time. Each box labeled with it’s production date, so you are guarantied the most flavorful of hookah smoke. 

Note: You must 18 years or older to order this product.

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Starbuzz Shisha Tobacco review at Pars Market in Columbia Maryland 21045



Founded in 2005, Starbuzz has been the most popular brand of tobacco among modern hookah tobaccos ever since. Starbuzz tobaccos taste smooth and sweet while producing larger clouds of smoke than most traditional hookah tobaccos.


Shisha Store Hookah Shop in Columbia Maryland 21045 USA

Exotic Melon Blue Starbuzz Shisha Tobacco at Pars Market


  Starbuzz provides a multitude of unique and savvy shisha flavors to salivate over. Made in the U.S.A., Starbuzz is considered a premium strong-flavored Shisha Tobacco. Starbuzz shisha is made from golden Virginian. The flavor of Starbuzz shisha is amazing! available in a variety of fresh, unique, mouth-watering flavors.


At Pars Market We are proud to offer our customers largest selection of Starbuzz Shisha Tobacco in Maryland at the lowest price!


Pars Market LLC

Starbuzz Flavors

 Starbuzz Shisha Tobacco is arguably the most popular hookah tobacco in the world. With almost 80 flavors to choose from, Starbuzz Hookah Tobacco is world renown for its long-lasting flavor and huge smoke clouds it produces.



Starbuzz has a large number of packaging choices available.

  • Ready Heads: As the name suggests you simply have to unwrap the capsule, place it in your hookah bowl, fold the aluminum foil, peel back the label, and smoke up.
  • 50 gr Can: Small rectangle shape cans, perfect for trying lots of flavors at a good price. Tobacco is inside resealable tinware.
  • 100 gr Can: Cylinder shape cans with 100 gr of tobacco in resealable tinware.
  • 250 gr Can: Cylinder shape cans with 250 gr of tobacco in resealable tinware.
  • 1 kg Bucket: Large bucket of Starbuzz tobacco perfect for hookah lounges or if you are absolutely in love with a particular flavor.
  • Starter Sets: Starbuzz recently released starter sets that contain four 50g cans of their tobacco, a roll of charcoal and a pair of tongs.

Starbuzz Shisha at Pars Market


  1. Apple
  2. Apple Americano
  3. Apple Cinnamon
  4. Apple Martini
  5. Apricot
  6. Arabian Coffee
  7. Banana
  8. Blackberry
  9. Black Grape
  10. Blackberry
  11. Blue Mist
  12. Blue Surfer
  13. Blueberry Grape
  14. Blueberry
  15. Bubble Gum
  16. Candy
  17. Cantaloupe
  18. Cappuccino
  19. Caramel Apple
  20. Caramel Macchiato
  21. Cherry
  22. Chocolate Mint
  23. Chocolate Strawberry
  24. Christmas Mix
  25. Citrus Mint
  26. Citrus Mist
  27. Classic Cola
  28. Classic Mojito
  29. Coconut
  30. Code 69
  31. Cosmopolitan
  32. Cotton
  33. Double Apple
  34. Flower Power
  35. Fruit Sensation
  36. Fuzzy Lemonade
  37. Fuzzy Naval
  38. Grape
  39. Guava
  40. Honeyberry
  41. Irish Cream
  42. Jasmine
  43. Kiwi
  44. Kiwi Strawberry
  45. Lemon
  46. Lemon Mint
  47. Lemon Tea
  48. Mango
  49. Margarita
  50. Marlett
  51. Melon Blue
  52. Orange
  53. Passion Fruit Mojito
  54. Passion Kiss
  55. Peaches and Cream
  56. Pina Colada
  57. Pineapple
  58. Pink
  59. Pirate’s Cave
  60. Plum
  61. Pomegranate
  62. Pumpkin Pie
  63. Raspberry
  64. Rose
  65. Royal Grape
  66. Safari Melon Dew
  67. Sex on The Beach
  68. Sour Apple
  69. Spearmint
  70. Strawberry
  71. Strawberry Margarita
  72. Strawberry Daiquiri
  73. Sweet Apple
  74. Sweet Melon
  75. Tequila Sunrise
  76. Tangerine Dream
  77. Tropical Fruit
  78. Vanilla
  79. Watermelon
  80. White Grape
  81. White Peach
  82. Wild Berry Mint
  83. Wild Berry
  84. Wild Mint
  85. Winter Fresh
  86. X on the Beach


Wide Selection of Starbuzz Shisha Flavors at Pars Market

Wide Selection of Starbuzz Shisha Flavors at Pars Market


 As an internationally recognized company, it is rare to hear of someone who has not tried Starbuzz products. However, for the rare few that have recently crawled out from beneath a rock, here are list of best 10 selling Starbuzz Shisha Flavors!


10. Starbuzz Wild Mint – Hold onto your breath, this wild minty ride will have your mouth smiling with icy pleasure.

9.  Starbuzz Strawberry Margarita – A delightful strawberry flavor that’s tart, tangy, and titanic in taste. Smoke this fruity delight and your mind will be whisked away to a sandy beach, sipping away at the frozen concoction that helps you hang on.

8. Starbuzz White Peach – A scrumptious, savory peach flavor that’s wet and juicy. Reminiscent of grandma’s peach cobbler, your mouth will thank you when you puff on this peachy shisha confection. 

7. Starbuzz Coco Jumbo – A coconut flavor that will drive your palate coco-nuts! Juicy and sweet, Coco Jumbo produces huge pillowy smoke clouds of tropical delight.

6. Starbuzz Safari Melon Dew – Take a safari of flavor with this creamy melon hookah tobacco. Gaze upon the huge clouds that this shisha tobacco produces like the lion gazes upon the gazelle pre-pounce.

5. Starbuzz Melon Blue – This combination of Safari Melon Dew and Blue Mist is spectacular sensational for any season. Smoke this boisterous cantaloupe concoction and you’ll get a bountiful bonanza of smoke succulence in your bosom.

4. Starbuzz Code 69 – This sweet fruit flavor tastes great and lasts long.  Thick clouds await those that smoke this sexy shisha that will arouse your taste buds seduce your senses. 

3. Starbuzz Sex on the Beach – You can enjoy this delicious flavor without getting sand in your butt! Based on the fruity cocktail of the same name, this mixture of fruit flavors will make you do an o-face of delicious delight.

2. Starbuzz Pirate’s CaveYaaaar, weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! This tangy citrus flavor with a hint of mint will leave your taste buds shocked to the very boney. Skuttle me Skippers!

1. Starbuzz Blue Mist – The number 1 spot on this list goes to Blue Mist, which is also the top selling flavor of ALL brands of Hookah Tobacco.  A tangy blueberry taste that lasts long and smokes superbly is what makes this favorite a hit amongst new smokers and seasoned professionals alike.




Note: You must 18 years or older to order this product.





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Guides to buy hookah, Shisha, Charcoal and more at Pars Market in Columbia Maryland

As Always Welcome to the official Pars Market Weblog,  This blog is designed to give valuable information and up to the minute news concerning all things we wonderful and unique international products We carry in our shop Such as: Juices, Fruits, Spices, Tea & Coffees, sweet & Pastries, Preserved Fruits, Candies, Dairy Products, Tea Makers, Rice Cookers, Hookahs, Shisha tobacco, Hookah Charcoal, Accesssories and many other amazing products that you can only find all in one roof at Pars Market!


 There are lots of options when you buy hookahs There's a lot of choice at Pars market when you buy a hookah. There are 4 hose hookah, 2 Hose Hookah, Single hose Hookah, mini hookah, exotic hookah, Wooden hookah, Syrian Hookah and so on and so on at Pars Market.
Large selection of Hookahs at Pars Market


What Kind Of Hookah Should You Get?

There are lots of options when you buy hookahs

There’s a lot of choice at Pars market when you buy a hookah. There are 4 hose hookah, 2 Hose Hookah, Single hose Hookah, mini hookah, exotic hookah, Wooden hookah, Syrian Hookah and so on and so on at Pars Market.
Think about several things before you buy.

1. How big a hookah do you want?

Big ones look great but maybe you’ll want to carry it from place to place it which case a mini hookah might be better.

2. How many people will be smoking?

If it’s just for you then a one hose is fine, but if you have lots of friends that also enjoy relaxing hookah times then you might want to think about 2, 3, or even 4 hose hookah..

3. What style of hookah do you want?

Traditional hookah look fantastic in my opinion but so do some of the Modern hookahs. Best to have a good look around before you buy hookah. You are always welcome to Ask any question you have regarding Hookahs from the Shopkeeper at Pars Market, We help you to pick the best Hookah which Suits your needs at Pars Market out of Huge selection we carry in our shop!


 We take pride in having a very large selection of hookahs for sale in our Store and top-notch, attentive customer service. We stay away from cheap hookahs, selling only the finest built Hookahs.
Persian Handmade Wooden Hookah at Pars Market


Why Buying Hookah at Pars Market and not from Online Stores???!

 We take pride in having a very large selection of hookahs for sale in our Store and top-notch, attentive customer service. We stay away from cheap quality hookahs, selling only the finest built Hookahs. 


 At Pars Market You come and check the Hookahs out in Person from our huge selection of Hookahs we carry, We always answers any questions you may have and assist you for a hookah that will meet your needs and of course a top-of-the-market quality at right price!
Selection of Small Hookah at Pars Market

At Pars Market You come and check the Hookahs out in Person from our huge selection of Hookahs we carry, We always answers any questions you may have and assist you for a hookah that will meet your needs and of course a top-of-the-market quality at right price!

It is always Smart and peace of mind to give your business to someone who knows exactly what is doing and with high reputation in Market!
Large Two Hose Hookah at Pars Market

 We have already Thousands of Happy Customers, In case you have lost or broken any parts or pieces we Always have 100% of accessories in our store that 100% fit the Hookahs we sell in our Store so you never get stocked with a Hookah that already spent so much money and now can’t find the right Part for it! We take that hassle away from you by buying it from our Shop, and Another Advantage of Purchasing Hookah from us is You don’t have to pay Expensive Shipping Costs! and on top of that waiting so long your Hookah arrives and if you are lucky the Hookah did not damaged during the shipping and you have to deal with your online store to indicate that this happened during the shipping and this and that….

Best of everything We also carry Largest Selection of Bubblers, Glass Blunt, Mershon Pipes, Pipe Screens, Water pipe, Chillums, Hand pipe, Metal Pipes, Steam Roller, Wood Pipe, Vaporizers, Electronic Cigarettes, Legal Herbal Incense, Filters, Rolling Paper and many many more...
Beautiful Small Hookah at Pars Market


It is always Smart and peace of mind to give your business to someone who knows exactly what is doing and with high reputation in Market! You also help your Locally owned small business in your neighbourhood! We want you be our Always Happy Customer and  Tell you friends and Family about your great experience of purchasing your Hookah at Pars Market! Come down to Pars Market for all your Hookah needs, We always here to assist you with anything your are looking for at Pars Market! and Thanks already for taking your time and reading this long post! 

We have already Thousands of Happy Customers, In case you have lost or broken any parts or pieces we Always have 100% of accessories in our store that 100% fit the Hookahs we sell in our Store
Large Hookah with carrying case at Pars Market

Best of All We also carry Largest Selection of Bubblers, Glass Blunt, Mershon Pipes, Pipe Screens, Water pipe, Chillums, Hand pipe, Metal Pipes, Steam Roller, Wood Pipe, Vaporizers, Electronic Cigarettes, Legal Herbal Incense, Filters, Rolling Paper and many many more…